Homeland’s Lottery Calendar! Check here for the 2017 winners!


A Homeland Center Lottery Calendar is truly a gift that keeps giving – to its owner as well as the community!

Through the end of December, 365 checks totaling more than $13,000 have been distributed to the winners of our daily drawings. Thanks to everyone who participated in our inaugural Anniversary calendar. 

2018 calendars are now available. To order online, please go to https://homelandcalendar.fasttransact.net/ (sold out) or contact Ed Savage at esavage@homelandcenter.org or 717-221-7885.

Not only will the money collected for every calendar benefit Homeland’s benevolent care fund, but calendar owners have a chance to win daily prizes ranging from $30 to $500. Another $13,000 will be awarded throughout 2018!

Thank you for your support of the 2017 Lottery Calendar for Homeland Center.  We started it as part of our 150th Anniversary Celebration and will be continuing it for 2018.  You can see a list of the 2018 winners by clicking here.

The 2017 winners are listed here.